THE DANGERS OF HOMOEOPATHIC PRESCRIBING The greatest danger of any homoeopathic physician is that he shall not be a true Hahnemannian homoeopath. Mongrelism defeats not only the doctor and the patient but the cause of homoeopathy. The specific pitfalls most frequently met are as follows: 1. Homoeopathic philosophy: The physician does not bear in mind his homoeopathic philosophy. 2. Improper Casetaking: He fails to take a complete enough case, from which to deduce the true remedy. He omits the mentals, the profoundly important generals, or fails to elicit the modalities of the particular symptoms. 3. Lacks patience: Having given the remedy he forgets that he must WAIT and WATCH. He te peats the remedy, in unwise zeal, before the definite slump comes after the improvement which has followed his remedy. More of a good thing does not mean a better thing in homoeopathic prescribing. 4. Hearing's law: He fails to look for the action of Hering's three Laws o...
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