Drug proving in Homoeopathy
It is a systemic process of investigating the pathogenetic powers of drugs by administering them on healthy human beings of both sexes, all age groups and of different constitutions.
Once the knowledge of how to investigate the disease i.e. knowledge of the diseases is acquired, the next duty of the physician is to prepare the reliable drug substances inorder to combat with the diseases in a safer way. This is the process of understanding the pathogenetic powers of the drugs (pathos suffering, genetic-producing). The only way to acquire this knowledge is by drug proving. Homeopathic drug proving is unique as it is done on healthy humans and also conducted with the dynamized drugs. In the past, many personalities like Paracelsus, Haler etc made an exhaustive study on drug proving methods. But only two persons in the medical history found the necessity of healthy human drug proving, one is Dr. Samuel Hahnemann and the other is "Albrecht von Haller". The pure and un-adulterated effects of drug substances in the pure symptomatic form can be acquired only by healthy human drug proving. Hahnemann is the first person to practically prove the drugs on healthy humans and also to apply such knowledge (materia medica) in curing the sick.
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