Explanation of Aphorism 94
Finding obstacle to recovery in daily circumstances.
In chronic diseases physician needs to find obstacle from daily circumstances of the patient which maintains his disease and on removal of which his recovery may be prompted. Obstacles could be -
• With regard to his daily occupation.
• Usual mode of living.
• Diet and regimen.
• Domestic situation etc.
In footnote Dr. Hahnemann put forward some symptoms of females which is required to be paid proper attention for proper treatment -
• Pregnancy, sterility, sexual desire, accouchements, miscarriages, suckling, and the state of the menses.
• Menstrual discharge should not be neglected to be ascertained if it recurs at too short intervals, or is delayed beyond the proper time, how many days it lasts, whether its flow is continuous or interrupted, what is its general quality, how dark is its color, • • •
• Whether there is leucorrhoea before its appearance or after its termination (of menses), but especially by what bodily or mental ailments, what sensations and pains, it is preceded, accompanied followed; if there is or leucorrhoea, what is its nature, what sensations attend its flow, in what quantity it is, present?
• What are the conditions and occasions under which the above mentioned symptoms occur?
▲ By knowing the obvious cause and sexual symptoms portrait of disease can easily be made but in practice it becomes very difficult to elicit it, especially from opposite sex.
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