Explanation of Aphorism 93
Obvious cause is to be elicited.
In diseases occurring due to some obvious cause, the patient, or his friend when questioned privately either mentions spontaneously or when interrogated tactfully speaks out the truth.
In footnote Dr. Hahnemann mentions about various obvious causes which patient hides from physician due to shame and shyness as any cause he feels to be of a disgraceful character -
#Poisoning or attempted suicide,
#Indulgence in ordinary or unnatural debauchery, excess in wine, cordials, punch and other ardent beverages, or coffee, #Over-indulgence in eating generally, or in some particular food of a hurtful character, #Infection with venereal disease or itch, #Unfortunate love, jealousy, domestic infelicity, worry, grief on account of some family misfortune, ill-usage, balked revenge, injured pride, embarrassment of a pecuniary nature, superstitious fear, - hunger,
#Or an imperfection in the private parts, a rupture, a prolapse etc.
But, these when known are much helpful in making portrait of the disease.
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