Explanation of Aphorism 77
Introducing inappropriately named chronic disease.
In this section inappropriately named chronic diseases, having following characteristics are mentioned:
1. Occurs when person is continuously exposed to avoidable noxious agents-
a) Habit of indulging in liquor,
b) Addiction or dissipation of many kind,
c) Prolonged abstinence from things that are necessary for support of life,
d) Residing in unhealthy locality especially marshy district, who are housed in cellar or other confined dwellings,
e) Deprived of exercise or of open air,
f) Overexertion of body or mind,
g) Who live in constant state of worry etc.
2. Under proper diet and regimen along with healthy mode of living these states of ill health disappear spontaneously, provided no chronic miasm lurks behind in the body - so, they cannot be called as chronic diseases.
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