1.Homoeopathy's Gentle Touch Poem
With gentle touch and subtle cure,
Homoeopathy does its work pure.
It heals the body, mind, and soul,
Making every part of you whole.
The power of the tiny dose,
Brings balance to the body's close.
Symptoms treated with a like,
To cure the patient, what a delight!
A holistic approach, it takes,
To heal the patient, for heaven's sake.
No side effects or harm it gives,
Only health and vitality it leaves.
Nature's medicine, it is indeed,
To heal and cure every need.
With Homoeopathy's gentle touch,
Life is cured, oh so much.
2.Here's a beautiful poem on Homoeopathy by Martha Christina:
Homoeopathy, gentle art,
Healing power from the heart.
From plant and mineral kingdom too,
Comes the cure that's just for you.
The body's balance is the key,
To perfect health, so let it be.
With tiny doses and potentized,
The cure is sure, as you'll realize.
The mind, the body, and the soul,
All become one, to make us whole.
With Homoeopathy's gentle art,
Life's ailments, we can all depart.
So trust the power of this cure,
And let Homoeopathy's touch endure.
For health and wellness, it will impart,
With Homoeopathy's gentle heart.
3. Sure, here's another beautiful poem on Homoeopathy by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of Homoeopathy:
Homoeopathy! Thou art the best,
Of all the healing arts possessed.
No toxic drugs, no instruments,
Thy healing power alone contents.
From nature's storehouse, thou dost take,
Thy healing powers, and well dost make
These potencies so rare and fine,
That all the world may know their shine.
Oh, Homoeopathy! Thou art the light,
That pierces through the darkest night,
And brings to man the sweet release,
That all his suffering doth cease.
The vital force thou dost restore,
And make the sick man well once more.
Thy gentle touch, so kind and mild,
Brings health and joy to all defiled.
So let us sing thy praises high,
Oh, Homoeopathy, thou dost never die.
For as long as suffering shall be,
Thy gentle touch shall set us free.
4. In Hindi
यहाँ एक सुंदर होम्योपैथी कविता है जो आपको पढ़ने में आनंद देगी:
होम्योपैथी, तुम सबसे अच्छे हो,
सभी चिकित्सा कलाओं से बेहतर हो।
कोई विषैले दवाएं, कोई उपकरण नहीं,
तुम्हारी शक्ति से ही सब बीमारियाँ झेली जाती हैं।
प्रकृति की दुकान से तुम लेते हो उपचार,
फिर बनती हो दवाएं जो होतीं हैरानगी के समान।
इतनी ताकतवर होती हैं वो प्राकृतिक दवाएं,
कि जनता उनके चमक को देख सकती हैं।
होम्योपैथी, तुम शरीर, मन और आत्मा का समन्वय,
उससे बनाते हो सेहतमंद इंसान का निर्माण।
दवाओं के कमजोर प्रभाव नहीं देते तुम,
बस सेहत व जीवन की वृद्धि करते रहते हो सदा ही उनके साथ चलते हुए।
होम्योपैथी, तुम प्रकृति का इंसाफ हो,
अपने नरम स्पर्श से दूर करती हो सभी बिमारियों को।
जो चिकित्सा जगत में अद्भुत हो,
वो होम्योपैथी है, यह बात अब सब जानते ह
5.fun and quirky Homoeopathic poem for reel:
Oh, Homoeopathy, my dear,
With tiny doses and potent cheer,
You heal my woes and mend my fears,
And make my body whole and clear.
From plant and mineral, you take,
The power to heal and make no mistake,
And with your gentle touch and shake,
My health and wellness, you do remake.
With Arnica, I kiss goodbye,
To bruises, pain, and injuries awry,
And with Nux Vomica, I bid goodbye,
To indigestion and nausea that make me sigh.
Oh, Homoeopathy, you're my friend,
On whom I can always depend,
To keep me healthy, fit, and sound,
And keep my feet on the healing ground.
So, let's raise a glass and cheer,
To Homoeopathy, far and near,
For with its magic and healing sphere,
Our health and happiness, it does endear!
6.Here's a beautiful Homoeopathic poem for you:
From nature's bounty, Homoeopathy was born,
A healing art that's gentle and warm.
With remedies that are small and bright,
It heals the body and soothes the sight.
The vital force within us flows,
And Homoeopathy it knows,
With remedies that stimulate and excite,
It brings our health back into sight.
From Arnica to Zincum met,
There's a remedy for every fret.
With one remedy at a time,
Homoeopathy works in its prime.
It sees the person as a whole,
And works to heal the body and soul.
With remedies that are safe and sound,
Homoeopathy is truly profound.
So let us sing Homoeopathy's praise,
For the healing it brings, it's hard to appraise.
With gentle remedies that are true,
It restores our health and makes us anew.
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